description of who I am to go along with it. With that off my chest, I agree with nearly all of the detractors. I went in with nothing and came out with nothing after several months. Match took my money and didn’t do anything. By far the BIGGEST problem is that either none of the women are actually on there or are so stuck up and picky they contradictory to their profile. They are not as AudAlt Friend Finder from the truth, but to be honest, I freaked out and said a polite good-night and good luck which he rudely overlooked and simply left! I don’t know if the guy is insane or has had bad experiences with fake or inactive profiles which obviously says something about Chemistry, but he managed to spoil my fun, and I won’t be returning to Chemistry as a result. Too many unknowns and you never AudAlt Friend Finder old. However, most women would have to concede that men have always been men, and a good percentage have always been lying, cheating dogs for centuries. And many always will be, due to the testosterone base that flows in their veins, and the the basic brutishness that evolved in our DNA. It’s the women, however, that have really changed in the recent past. They are tougher, more demanding, AudAlt Friend Finder i expect people will be able to see them; i wouldn’t have subscribed otherwise. and changing on me midstream is not cool – i’m asking for my money back. my bottom line – the site is not bad, the best out there, but this new marketing ploy has me ticked off enough to head back to the produce section of the supermarket (at least for a few months). Reviewed By ClaireTC NY, USA Sex Female Rating AudAlt Friend Finder