Bring them up in the conversation. 2. Let them know that you don’t appreciate it then let them know it’s not working out and politely excuse yourself from the situation. To everyone that’s genuinely looking: good luck. Dating sites can work, but don’t let them work you over. Reviewed By Chris Santa Clarita Sex Male Rating ***** Date September 03, 2008 permalink Visit I met alot www Adult Friend Finder Date March 25, 2010 permalink Visit I have to agree with one of the review I read here. I was getting nagged via email with so & so is interested. Obviously my email address from Match was used to solicit new chemistry clients. Dummy me went for it! Now even if you say ok I am interested all you are doing is giving them ammunition to use on some other poor sole! Match and Chemistry www Adult Friend Finder to reply via Instant Messages if they receive one first from a paying member. So lets say you’re a guy who signs up. You find out that nobody is responding to your emails. So you stay online forever staring at the screen waiting for the few girls you’re interested in to actually show up online and hoping you don’t go to the bathroom and miss them when they show up. After 2 or 3 days of staring www Adult Friend Finder of themselves. The 2 stars are for the elaborate creation of a fake profile just to get me to subscribe. Reviewed By colleen california Sex Female Rating ***** Date July 20, 2005 permalink Visit I have been very disappointed in the experience. I was specific and honest on my profile. The first date was a 48 yr old man 60lbs overweight who thought that a 40yr old woman www Adult Friend Finder